The path to creating the therapeutic farm is long and costly.
Nothing we expect and dream of for our members can be realized without your support and help.
Support our effort with a donation!
Iban Eurobank
Bank Account Number
Do you have an idea related to our goals? Contact us!
Valuable Contribution
You can also contribute to our project:
By offering land
By volunteering (in the garden or other programs), Offer of agricultural machinery
Experience in infrastructure construction work
Support us through corporate responsibility or sponsorship programs
Offer a mini-bus for the necessary transportation of the beneficiaries of the farm
Participate in our charity events (bazaar, artistic, sports)
Therapeutic farm Gi Therapenís is an initiative of parents and friends of people with autism, which creates the conditions for their multifaceted integration into society, but also for their dignified living and care, for life.
Gi Therapenís is a non-profit and charitable association for people with developmental disorders. It was founded in 2017 by parents and friends of autistic individuals, for the sake of the creation of a therapeutic farm, where adult people with autism can be trained, work under customized circumstances and reside.